Live in the past or prepare for the future – Boston Celtics GM Danny Ainge’s big decision

ray allen, kevin garnett, paul pierceDespite the Boston Celtics being five games below .500 fans were hopeful that a late season run would magically turn the Celtics into a NBA title contender. However, that hope was dealt a serious blow when it was reported that Rajon Rondo would miss the rest of the season due to a torn ACL. Rondo was having the best year of his young career recording five triple doubles and making life easy for his elder statesmen Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. The fate of the Celtics and their two aging stars is uncertain and the direction of the franchise will ultimately rest with the same man who brought the Boston Three Party together, Celtics General Manager Danny Ainge.

danny ainge boston celtics general managerThe same general manager who was praised for bringing Garnett and Ray Allen to the Celtics may do the unthinkable by trading away his two most valuable assets to prepare for the future of franchise. Due to Garnett’s no trade clause and with Jared Sullinger being untouchable Pierce’s days as a Boston Celtic may be numbered.

Although Pierce has been with the franchise since his rookie year the time has come forboston celtics thats all folks the Celtics to start rebuilding and preparing for post-Pierce era sooner rather than later. The blood and sweat that Pierce has given to the Celtics will never be forgotten but the business side of basketball eventually makes the NBA’s greatest stars cap casualties or mid-season trade bait.

Even the greatest player to ever play the game of basketball Michael Jordan was not immune to becoming a casualty to the game of basketball. Fans have a tendency to cherish the championships but often forget about his airness quietly exiting stage left in his last stint with the Washington Wizards.

As the NBA trade deadline draws near the fans in Boston Garden should cherish the lastboston celtics NBA Championship Banners days of an era that saw three Hall of Famers put their egos to the side and inspired a city by bringing a NBA Championship to a franchise that’s glory days were on the brink of being forgotten.

With the Celtics currently out of playoff contention the Rondo season ending injury makes Ainge’s decision to move on and prepare for the future by trading Garnett and/or Pierce that much easier. The future of the Celtics franchise will be built around a new big three: Rondo, Jeff Green,
avery bradley doc rivers and jarde sullinger Avery Bradley, and Sullinger. Will they be able to sustain the standard of excellence set forth by the Celtics who came before them? Will Pierce and Garnett be traded? Stay tuned to this and more… I know I will #celticpride – A. Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on Google