The time for Washington name change is now, skins no more

indian meets indianIn light of the scandal that is unfolding with Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his heinous comments my attention turns to another other deplorable act that has been allowed to persist in the public eye in our Nation’s capital. For those folks calling for boycotts and demanding Sterling to surrender ownership I ask where are those same passions demanding a name change for that NFL franchise in our Nation’s capital?

Sponsor are dropping like flies refusing to be associated with this bigot, fans are refusing to attend,Redskins name change and even recording artist have demanded that their music be pulled from the game. But why does it take offending a certain group of people cause such a reaction, while other offenses register little interest or fan fare? Since 1932 the Washington Redskins have been offending many with their name, and despite being aware of the history associated with the offensive name nothing has changed.

Although NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the 31 other owners possess the authority to force Redskins owner Dan Snyder to change the dan snyder and roger goodellname, none of them have been compelled to do so. I find it down right absurd that Goodell can express his disdain for the comments made by Sterling while also having a franchise that’s name is racially insensitive and offensive. Native Americans only make up 2% of the United States population, will they have to quadruple their numbers before their voices are finally heard? What will it take for NFL players to boycott the league and refuse to stand for this injustice no more? An injustice anywhere should enrage us all and inspire us to act. But first the NFL, their sponsors, and the owner must be compelled to act, it has not happened in 82 years, will it happen in year 83. Three months on the job Adam Silver took a stand, when will you? You already flaked once Mr. Goodell with an absurd response, will finally right this apparent wrong? Stay tuned…I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast


NBA vs Donald Sterling

Sterling GateTypically sports provides us an opportunity to take a timeout from the stresses of life, however the deplorable comments said my Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has made the NBA Playoffs completely unwatchable. Now I know that Sterling may not speak for the other twenty nine owners in the NBA and it may be unfair to judged them all based off the actions of one man.

But if players, coaches, and owners all admit that they were not surprised by Sterling’s recent comments then why did it take thirty-one years to respond? Were his most recent actions any more deplorable than refusing housing to minorities? Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace? Or his many other unethical business practices?Los Angeles Clippers v CSKA Moscow

Retired NBA Commissioner David Stern simply ignored these unconscionable acts, never issued a fine or a uttered word of condemnation. Stern, the NBA, and the owners did not feel compelled to respond then, why now? His latest actions although distasteful hurt no one, no one was displaced from their homes, and no one lost their job or sense of livelihood. Did Sterling finally cross the line by offending NBA Hall-of-Famer Magic Johnson? And declaring that even Los Angeles Dodgers owner whose worth $800 million dollars was not good enough.

Clippers silent protestNo matter what current commissioner Adam Silver decides, the time to act has long passed. With great power comes even greater responsibility, and a certain level of conduct should be expected. So while the NBA attempts to distance itself from the disgraced Clippers owner to the NBA I say is shame on you NBA, shame on you. Until the members of the billionaire boys club are held to the same level of scrutiny and conduct as their employee and players this will happen again. Will the owner of your favorite team be next?

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast





Kobe Bryant quest for 6 – Eric Bledsoe, not Melo is the answer

Kobe Bryant NBA Title dreamsKobe Bryant‘s highly anticipated return was met with both uncertainty and excitement. Although no one expected Bryant to go off for 81 points again against the Toronto Raptors, eight turnovers certainly was not expected.

At the ripe age of 35 years old the Black Mamba has continued to defy the odds, using pundits who doubt him as fuel to push even harder toward that elusive sixth NBA Championship.

However, unlike in seasons’ his first week back put us all on notice that the days of the kobe mike and carmeloBlack Mamba taking over games and defending the opposing teams best player is long gone.

Bryant may be a viable first option for short stretches but if the Lakers are to be serious title threats additional assets must be added. Since making the playoffs this season would be considered a tremendous accomplishment, the blueprint for the Lakers winning the title starts now.

Too those projecting Carmelo Anthony bolting to Lakerland I kindly remind you that the D’Antoni-Melo experiment has already failed once before, so there is no need for a sequel.

eric bledsoeIn my opinion the Lakers would be best served targeting Phoenix Suns point guard Eric Bledsoe who will be an unrestricted free agent after this season. Bledsoe is a dynamic athlete who has only scraped the surface of his potential and lure of playing with Bryant on the big stage may be just enough to make him a Staple Center favorite for a second time.

Bryant’s quest for six will begin or end with finding a partner who can score, defend, and leave their ego at the door. The Lakers 2014 free agent class will serve as the  building blocks for life after Bryant. Could Bledsoe’s pave the way for the Lakers revival? Stay tuned…I know I will?

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Golden State Warrior: The New Kings of California

kobe bryant and stephen currySince the inception of the NBA the Los Angeles Lakers has been the premiere organization that took a back seat to no sports franchise, especially not any in California. The dominance of the Lakers is well documented but it appears that their days of glory have come to an end. Many pundits believe that since the Clippers have added a doctor and signed Chris Paul to an $118 million dollar extension that their days of living in the shadows known as the other team that plays in the Staple Center were over.

Although adding a championship coach in Doc Rivers will certainly lead to some improvements but the Clippers front-court of Blake i’m soft Griffin and DeAndre airball Jordan still remain huge liabilities that many will be reminded of comedeandre jordan blake griffin and chris paul playoff time. However, the forgotten team is not that team in Sacramento but that team who calls the Zoo its home, the Golden State Warrior.  Led by master motivator Coach Mark Jackson the future of the Warriors looks golden and their place as the next king of California appears inevitable.

The Warriors young nucleus gained invaluable experience last season making it to the golden state warriorssecond round of the playoffs. Stephen Curry is a superstar in the making and Klay Thompson is also a promising young star in his own right. Despite losing Carl Landry and Jarrett Jack in free agency rookies Harrison Barnes, Draymond Green, and Kent Bazemore all have committed themselves in the off season to have productive sophomore campaigns and pick up the slack.

The front court is also no slouch led by two-time All-Star David Lee and often injured former top pick Andrew Bogut. Although the back-court garners most of the attention if Lee and Bogut are able to fight off the injury bug and avoid the label that has plagued both of them throughout their career a deep in the playoffs looks likely.

Led by an elite coach, promising shooters, a deep bench and the recent acquisition of Andre Iguodala who is more versatile than a Swiss Army knife the Warriors days inwarriors beat lakers the shadow are over. And as the New Kings of California expectation will rise, and much more will be expected. Will the Warriors rise to the occasion or shrink under pressure? Stay tuned…I know I will.


Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Clippers find their man – Just what the Doc Ordered

chris paul doc rivers blake griffinAfter years of being the butt end of jokes the Los Angeles Clippers finally made a franchise changing move that may alter the landscape not just in the Staple Center but in the entire Western Conference. For years Clippers owner Donald Sterling refused to invest the money needed to build a championship caliber team, but it after initially getting cold feet by giving the green light to acquire Doc Rivers , the donal sterling oh a pennyClipper’s owner is a penny pincher no more.

Although it takes more than an elite coach to win a title, it certainly serves as a comfortable building block for brighter days in the horizon. The Rivers acquisition was clearly a move made to ensure that first team All-NBA point guard Chris Paul signs his extension and commits to being a Clipper for life.

Rivers and Paul promises to be an entertaining dynamic especially since both possess type A personalities that often ruffles the feathers of their peers and teammates. For the first time in his career Paul will be coached by someone whose won a championship which has to an exciting dynamic that will push the talented future Hall of Famer.

deandre jordan and eric bledsoeThe River’s hire is likely to be the first domino to fall in an eventual off-season for Clippernation. Promising back-up point guard Eric Bledsoe‘s days are numbered and 7 foot pogo stick DeAndre Jordan knows his future is in doubt after nearly being traded to the Boston Celtics last week.

The Clippers entire roster is in flux and although it appears that Paul and Blake Griffin are returning, their may be three new starters dawning red and white next season, not including the bench. It appears thatcp3 team Paul has been given the key to the Clippers, he has selected his coach, who will he select next to help resurrect this once proud franchise from the depth of disappointment and out of the shadow of the other Staple Center resident? Stay tuned… I know I will – A. Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Sob City: Los Angeles Clipper eliminated, now what?

clipper championship rosterFor the past two season the Los Angeles Clippers have attempted to take a huge step out of the shadow of the team that they share the Staple Center with. However, after two early playoff exits the Clippers have come to a crossroad where finishing a season above .500 is no longer enough.

Although the highlight dunks and jaw dropping lobs have revitalized a fan base that was once nonexistent the Clippers enter the off-season in uncharted waters. The fate of the Clipper organization will ultimately be determined by the decision of their First Team All-NBA point guard Chris Paul who is a free agent this summer.

Will Paul demand the Clippers to hire a coach of his choosing since he frequently clashed with Coach Vinny Del Negro during the regular season? Remember, Paul wanted out of New Orleans because he wanted to contend for an NBA championship. Although Paul could make more money by resigning with the Clippers, the diminutive point guard has never been driven by the benjamins.

chris paul yellingThis will likely be Paul’s last max extension of his career, so its critical for the Clippers to present a convincing championship blue print in order to get Paul to sign on the dotted line because their current roster will not cut it.

Although great for highlight reel dunks, the Clippers big men continue to be huge liabilities during the playoffs which frequently force Paul to carry the load on his own, which is the reason why he wanted deandre jordan and blake griffinout of New Orleans in the first place.

Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan have failed to expand their game outside of one foot from the basket which are huge causes for concern. With a roster full of aging players near their end and only one trade-able asset in Eric Bledsoe the Clippers cp3have little room to revitalize the roster.

Many foolishly considered it be a lock that Paul would resign with Clippers but one glance at the current roster and the limitation of their big men all equate to a summer of uncertainty for Clippernation. Did we see Paul in a Clippers jersey for the last time? Stay tuned… I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on Google. Listen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio Tues/Thurs 630 PM EST