#Warriors out spurred the #Spurs

coach pop and coach kerrWhen I watch the Golden State Warriors play I see a much younger more modernized version of the San Antonio Spurs. The Warriors led by the Splash Brothers shoot threes as easy as the Big Fundamental won five NBA titles hitting bank shots in the paint. But did we really expect a Gregg Popovich disciple to coach his squad any other way? Although a 30-point loss is never enjoyable, a small part of Coach Pop had to be amused to see his offense being used so brilliantly against him. Either by luck or buy design the Warriors were constructed in the Spurs image.

Just like their predecessors, the Warriors roster consists of overlooked guys who 29 other warriorsteams passed on because they  were either too  injury prone,  too small, viewed as draft bust, or simply because they were not their fathers. In spite of their shortcomings as individuals by their talents combined the Warriors now look like a dynasty in the making and Coach Pop is largely responsible.

The Warriors ball movement and willingness to make the extra pass for a better shot is vintage Popovich. Although Stephen Curry will never be confused with Tim Duncan, his ability to embrace a team first mentality has created an infectious championship mindset.

warriors out spurred the spursXs and Os are only as good as  the players running them and the Spurs simply got out spurred, one back cut after the other. The aging vets couldn’t keep up, Lamarcus Aldridge was a no-show, and reigning Defensive Player of the Year Kawhi Leonard was on skates all night. Since the Spurs got out spurred by Spurs-West Coach Pop must make some changes because standing pat just won’t work. Warriors won round 1, do the Spurs stand a chance in round 2? Stay tuned…I know I will.

Warriors win: No Bench, No Glory #nbafinals

cavs benchIn Game 1 of the 2015 NBA Finals we were reminded yet again, that superstars may get the glory, but its the bench that tells the story. 4-time MVP Lebron James was downright unstoppable but in spite of his herculean effort the Cleveland Cavaliers came up short.

While the Cavs bench abandoned the King, the Warrior platoon of second stringers sparked the offense by erasing a 14 point deficit and giving much needed breathers too MVP Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. Although the series is far from being over, the play of each team’s bench iggy guards lebronwill ultimately determine which cities no title streak will be broken.

Although championship are often remembered by its stars, we mistakenly overlook the invaluable contributions that are made by the players coming off the bench. Without the clutch plays of Big Shot Robert Horry the Los Angeles Lakers and the San Antonio Spurs probably do not win multiple championships. If Steve Kerr and John Paxson three pointers clang off the rim instead of going in there would be no 3-peats, no Chicago Bulls dynasty, and Charles Barkley and the Mailman Karl Malone likely win one championship.

big shot robThe play of both teams bench is invaluable and at this point the Warriors clearly have the edge. Since we know the stars will get their buckets, the only question is which bench will step up. With the status of Kyrie Irving unknown the Cavs bench will be needed now more than ever. If the Lebronettes are no shows in Game 2, a sweep maybe on the horizon because one thing is certain 44 points ain’t gonna cut. Stay tuned… I know I will.


Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Andrew Bogut – Bogus no more. Silencing doubters one block at a time 

andrew bogut gsw warriorsWhen Andrew Bogut was selected number one in 2005 expectations could not have been higher for the talented Aussie from down under. But due to one debilitating injury after another Bogut had become a punchline too many and was on the verge of being labeled a bust.

Finally healthy, Bogut has shed his soft label and has reminded many why he was selected before teammate and two-time All-Star David Lee and future Hall of Famer Chris Paul.

Stephen Curry may be MVP of the NBA, and fellow Splash Brother Klay Thompson andrew bogut injury jokesand Draymond Green may be on the verge of superstardom but the reason the Golden State Warriors are a series away from the NBA Finals is because of B-O-G-U-T.

It has been the play of Bogut, not the Splash Brothers that has led the Golden State Warriors to the Western Conference Finals for the first time since 1976. Scoring had never been a problem, it had always been defense. And although many may have thought it was a typo when they saw Bogut’s name on the NBA All-Defense, his value to the Warriors success should not be NBA MVP Warriors MVPignored and his place on all defensive team was no mistake.

Bogut may never make an All-Star team or ever average 20 and 10 but all that matters is that he has become a key cog on a championship team. The Aussie may have been down but he did not go under. Is another injury on the horizon or is the best yet to come? Stay tuned… I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Golden State Warrior: The New Kings of California

kobe bryant and stephen currySince the inception of the NBA the Los Angeles Lakers has been the premiere organization that took a back seat to no sports franchise, especially not any in California. The dominance of the Lakers is well documented but it appears that their days of glory have come to an end. Many pundits believe that since the Clippers have added a doctor and signed Chris Paul to an $118 million dollar extension that their days of living in the shadows known as the other team that plays in the Staple Center were over.

Although adding a championship coach in Doc Rivers will certainly lead to some improvements but the Clippers front-court of Blake i’m soft Griffin and DeAndre airball Jordan still remain huge liabilities that many will be reminded of comedeandre jordan blake griffin and chris paul playoff time. However, the forgotten team is not that team in Sacramento but that team who calls the Zoo its home, the Golden State Warrior.  Led by master motivator Coach Mark Jackson the future of the Warriors looks golden and their place as the next king of California appears inevitable.

The Warriors young nucleus gained invaluable experience last season making it to the golden state warriorssecond round of the playoffs. Stephen Curry is a superstar in the making and Klay Thompson is also a promising young star in his own right. Despite losing Carl Landry and Jarrett Jack in free agency rookies Harrison Barnes, Draymond Green, and Kent Bazemore all have committed themselves in the off season to have productive sophomore campaigns and pick up the slack.

The front court is also no slouch led by two-time All-Star David Lee and often injured former top pick Andrew Bogut. Although the back-court garners most of the attention if Lee and Bogut are able to fight off the injury bug and avoid the label that has plagued both of them throughout their career a deep in the playoffs looks likely.

Led by an elite coach, promising shooters, a deep bench and the recent acquisition of Andre Iguodala who is more versatile than a Swiss Army knife the Warriors days inwarriors beat lakers the shadow are over. And as the New Kings of California expectation will rise, and much more will be expected. Will the Warriors rise to the occasion or shrink under pressure? Stay tuned…I know I will.


Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast