Andy Dalton – the Next Great NFL Quarterback

Dalton improvementsIf a quarterback leads a franchise to three consecutive NFL Playoff appearance, he is often held in the highest esteem. After an 11-win season, Cincinnati Bengals fans should be showering Andy Dalton with praise and adulation not campaigning for him to exit stage right. Although pundits may appear to be justified in their stance fans from WHO DEY nation should be reminded of how putrid life was before Dalton, no playoff appearances and below .500 finishes.

For those who are calling for another quarterback, what better option do you have? The Washington Redskins Kirk Cousins no longer looks like a viable option after his struggles late in the season. New England Patriots Ryan Mallet is also unavailable considering the Brady era is almost near its end. And unless the Bengals unearth a late round gem, or sign Chicago Bears Josh McCown, the truth is Dalton gives you the best chance to win.

Despite the limited options, Dalton is far from a consolation prize. In his first 38 games nfl top quarterbacksDalton he has went to three consecutive postseasons which is something that NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, and Peyton Manning cannot even boast. No one is calling for Detroit Lions Matthew Stafford or Atlanta Falcons Matt Ryan‘s job, two $100 million dollar quarterbacks who have only been to the playoffs once.

Dalton certainly has room to grow, and this will certainly be a make-or-break season for him, and the time to get better starts now. He has the tools and now he has the time to refine his craft by improving his mechanics and decision making.

Dallas Cowboys Tony Romo has grown accustomed to hearing folks calling for his Giovanni Bernard Fumblesjob, completely overlooking the numerous wins that came before the loss. Dalton has a bright future in the NFL, if Giovanni Bernard does not fumble the ball at the three or drop three balls then Dalton would be receiving the praise Luck and Kaepernick are receiving. Til then,  Andy Dalton is Tony Romo 2.0. What will he do for an encore? Stay tuned…I know I will. – A. Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast