If #TomBrady was gulity why not #PeytonManning

If Brady, why not Manning?

If Brady, why not Manning?

When Peyton Manning was accused of HGH use the whole sports world stopped in utter disbelief. Another golden boy was having his integrity attacked, another member of football royalty was allegedly being blindsided by defamatory accusations. After a summer filled with deflate-gate and denials by that guy named Brady we quickly observed pundits and experts pick sides. Fans became fanatics with criminal records as they swore their allegiance to a franchise with a history of cheating and too a quarterback who plead ignorance. However, unlike Brady there appears to be no one even considering that Manning may have used HGH. The weekend was filled with pundits and experts using words like class, integrity, and quickly dismissing the thought that Manning may not be perfect after all.

Is it the fear of being wrong that not one so-called expert or source would even dare utter or consider the possibility that Manning could have used HGH? Should a quarterback with a fused neck an no arm raise questions when he throws for 55 TDs and 5,447 yards? How exactly does a pro athlete show class and integrity, does an honorable guy throw or catch the ball different from everyone else? Are Papa Johns and Nationwide Commercials only reserved for athlete with integrity?

We have been fooled before, not too long ago the same praise we heap on Manning were being said about Lance Armstrong, Rafael Palmeiro, Mark McGwire, Marion Jones, Tiger Woods, Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Kobe Bryant and… well you get my point. Each of these athletes were hailed as All American God-Like figured who could do no wrong but the hoards of fans who thought these demigods could do no wrong was dealt the harsh truth these talents had faults and shortcomings no different than you and me.

Before we dismiss the possibility we must acknowledge that in the world of competitive sports, athletes are faced with immense pressure to perform. And when their body fails some athletes may resort to anything to get an edge. Maybe Manning turned a noodle arm into a record breaking arm with sweat, heart and a tireless work ethic. Maybe Manning is the exception but we make a mistake simply taking him at his word, haven’t we learned our lesson yet or have we misremembered. For those who were so quick to indict Brady and now blindly align themselves with Manning must ask themselves, If Brady was guilty why not Manning. I for one, refuse to be so naive. Who knows how this story will end. Stay tuned…I know I will. – A. Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Upset Sunday

Typically upsets are reserved for college sports but clearly Week 16 of the NFL season was the exception. The Pros and Joes in Vegas clearly had no idea about the mayhem that ensued on Football Sunday. The Atlanta Falcons who have been the epitome of bi-polar both excited and infuriated dirty-bird nation after their win over once undefeated Carolina Panthers. Falcons led by a tenacious no name defense made Cam Newton looking anything but Super. The Panthers potent offense was stifled one drive after the next. On offense, Julio Jones outmuscled Panthers corner Josh Norman and Devonta Freeman had Luke Kuechly grasping for air. Although the Falcons still have a glimmer of playoff hope their fan base is again left wondering for the umteenth year what could have been.

In the midwest the Saint Louis Rams continued to be a tough out for their bitter division rival the Seattle Seahawks. The Rams continue to be good enough to win games but not bad enough to finally solve their quarterback needs. Led by the best defensive line a squad can draft the Seahawks running game was so putrid that Beast Mode would not have stood a chance. Since the Rams have been eliminated from the playoffs contention for weeks, they are simply playing for pride.

The heart that the Baltimore Ravens showed in out hustling the high octane Steelers was truly a thing of beauty. Led by a roster full of journeymen the Ravens fought on when most would have folded. The savviness of Ozzie Newsome’s eye for talent was on full display. No Joe Flacco. No Justin Forsett. No Terrell Suggs. In spite of these losses Coach Harbaugh should be commended for his efforts, due injuries the Ravens have built depth that will yield them a high draft pick and huge dividends in 2016.

The only team decimated more by injuries than the Ravens are the New England Patriots. So the fact that the Patriots lost was not much of a surprise and the fact two more Pats went down with serious injuries has unfortunately become expected. But with a depth chart decimated by injuries the Patriots have an excuse, the same can not be said about the Panthers, Steelers, and Seahawks. Clearly, these teams left their hard hats at home and though they would get a ‘W’ by just showing up. Proverbs 6:18 says pride comes before the fall, next week we will find out how far each team has fallen. A Playoff spot? Home field advantage? Stay tuned… I know I will – A.Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast


You Like That Captain Kirk Saves the Day #HTTR

cousins-300x243My oh my how things change. Last year the Washington Rs were the laughing stock of the league and many were questioning whether Jay Gruden was in over his head. The offseason was filled with speculation and rumors of a divided locker room, a quarterback controversy, and who can forget the diminutive Desean Jackson injuring his shoulder doing blocking drills and missing 6 games.

A lot of adjectives were being used to describe the state of the Rs and they were far from complimentary. The end of the Gruden era looked imminent and Kirk Cousins days as an NFL starting QB were numbered. However to shock and amazement of most, the Rs won games. It was never pretty but since the NFC LEAST was decimated by injuries and since the Philadelphia Eagles had Chip Kelly as their GM, all Cousins had to do was throw it away or eat the 122615-nfl-happy-day-ob-pi-vadapt-620-high-7ball instead of throwing a pick.

Due to injuries and a poor running game this no frills offense was at time very hard to watch but when Jordan Reed and Desean Jackson returned the offense was given a much needed spark. The Rs continued to win games in spite of a running game that is riddled with inconsistency and injuries And with each win Gruden’s blind faith in Cousins has began to pay off, maybe Mike Shannahan was right about Cousins after all. The city embraced has embraced Kirk as its long lost cousin and RGIII has all become an afterthought. #youlikethat

1392763039000-usp-nfl-dallas-cowboys-at-washington-redskinsOur nation’s capital is no longer just home to a president but it now has a Captain named Kirk whose poised to take the Rs to the playoffs. Although good news is often short lived in that town, instead of talking about contract extensions, pending roster cuts and a 8 or 9 loss season lets be like Shirley and Lee and ‘let the good times roll’. Go #HTTR. Will Kirk shock the world and lead the Rs to Superbowl 50? Stay tuned…I know I will. – A. Denmark

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast


Bulls got what they wanted but lost what they had

rosebutlernoahThe Tom Thibodeau era in Chicago transformed players with promise into bonafide NBA stars. Before Coach Thibs, Derrick Rose, Joakhim Noah, and Jimmy Butler were known more for their college accolades than what they had down as pros. Rose was a prep phenom who was apart of the Calipari-PG tree. Noah gained infamy for winning back-to-back championships in Gainesville. And the story of Butler being homeless as a teen warmed the hearts of many.

By following the Thibs way the Bulls appeared poised to win a NBA Championship. Under Thibs there were no nights off, practices were just as grueling as games, and each possession was treated as if it was the Bulls last. This pedal to the medal approach led a few top seeds, an MVP, a bulls-bannersDefensive Player of the Year, Sixth Man of the Year, and a few All-NBA selections but it came at a huge cost. The Bulls suffered one debilitating injury after another during the Thibs era. Fans and pundits ruled out chance, and blamed Thibs for each injury. It wasn’t a wet floor, an errand elbow, or a poorly taped ankle, it was all Thibs fault which ultimately led to his firing.

Now only a quarter into the Fred Hoiberg era, fans and pundits are witnessing putrid effortless basketball. The Bulls triumvirate has been reduced to one All-Star,  a guard with double vision, and a bench warmer. Their defensive effort has been Harden-like and the so-called players coach looks like he has already lost the locker room. Butler who became a star under Thibs has failed to get his teammates to give the same effort that was once a foregone conclusion under the previous regime.

111715-nba-chicago-bulls-derrick-rose-pi-je-video-vadapt-620-high-43Maybe things will change for the better. Maybe the coach with no NBA coaching experience who choked in March year in and year out can recapture the locker room. The Bulls front office has egg on its face, Gary Forman and John Paxson may have ruined a title contender all because of their pride. And if things do not improve these two may be next to face the firing squad with their pride intact. Since Thibs is not there  whose to blame for the Bulls current struggles?

thibssmileSince Hoiberg is no Steve Kerr or Luke Walton for that matter, the Bulls may not even win enough games to make the playoffs in the woeful Eastern Conference. But Bulls fans, you  only have yourself to blame, you griped and  complained but failed to realize that the Bulls needed Thibs in order to be great.You got what you wanted but lost what you had. Welcome back to the lottery Chicago, maybe the two front office misfits will get it right the next time. Somewhere Coach Thibs is sipping on some egg nog and watching his stock sky rocket. Where will Coach Thibs win at next? Stay tuned…I know I will.