#KobeBryant – End of an era, there will only be one Black Mamba

kobe bryant 5 championship ringsIt is rare that a player actually lives up and fulfill his potential. And it is almost unheard of when a player takes his game to another stratosphere and exceed expectations. But when the Los Angeles Lakers made the bold move and acquired a prom to pro high school phenom named Kobe Bryant, that is exactly what happened. We witnessed the Philly native in his greatest moment and we also saw Bryant reemerge and win more NBA Championships after overcoming his lowest moments.

What makes Bryant so special, is that unlike his idol Michael Jordan, his faults and flaws were no secret. Bryant’s competitiveness was Jordanesque, like his idol no one was immune from his wrath, not Shaquille O’Neal or Coach Phil Jackson. His work ethic was legendary and Bryant’s expectation each yearkobe shaq and phil was to add another Larry O’Brien to his impressive trophy case.

Bryant may not win a sixth ring in his final year, but his will to defy father time and thrive in spite of an ailing body is nothing short of amazing. For years Bryant lived in the shadows of His Airness but he now stands alone because there certainly will never be another Kobe Bryant, slam dunk giant.

When we think of Bryant’s greatest moments several come to mind – his monstrous series sealing alley-oop to O’Neal; his NBA All-Star debut going against his idol; and who can forget his 81 point game which will go down in history as one of the kobe bryat and michael jordangreatest offensive displays in the modern era. While stars of today are consumed with their image, Bryant was driven by winning and nothing else mattered.

After Jordan retired many wondered who would follow His Airness and we were blessed with a kid from Lower Marion who became the Black Mamba. And when Bryant laces up his shoes for the last and final time, the same question will re-emerge, who’s next? Stay tuned… I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Andrew Bogut – Bogus no more. Silencing doubters one block at a time 

andrew bogut gsw warriorsWhen Andrew Bogut was selected number one in 2005 expectations could not have been higher for the talented Aussie from down under. But due to one debilitating injury after another Bogut had become a punchline too many and was on the verge of being labeled a bust.

Finally healthy, Bogut has shed his soft label and has reminded many why he was selected before teammate and two-time All-Star David Lee and future Hall of Famer Chris Paul.

Stephen Curry may be MVP of the NBA, and fellow Splash Brother Klay Thompson andrew bogut injury jokesand Draymond Green may be on the verge of superstardom but the reason the Golden State Warriors are a series away from the NBA Finals is because of B-O-G-U-T.

It has been the play of Bogut, not the Splash Brothers that has led the Golden State Warriors to the Western Conference Finals for the first time since 1976. Scoring had never been a problem, it had always been defense. And although many may have thought it was a typo when they saw Bogut’s name on the NBA All-Defense, his value to the Warriors success should not be NBA MVP Warriors MVPignored and his place on all defensive team was no mistake.

Bogut may never make an All-Star team or ever average 20 and 10 but all that matters is that he has become a key cog on a championship team. The Aussie may have been down but he did not go under. Is another injury on the horizon or is the best yet to come? Stay tuned… I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast

Cleveland Cavaliers New Big 3

kevin love and kyrie irvingWhen the Cleveland Cavaliers prodigal son Lebron James returned “home” many believed that the King would team up with younger stars Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving to form a talented big three with no injury concerns. However, 82 games, 2 playoff series later a new big three has emerged. Led by JR Smith and Timofey Mozgov the Cavs appear poised to help King James reach his sixth consecutive NBA Finals.

JR and Mozgov may never be confused as All-stars but their postseason play has brought hope to a fan base and given a fatigued Lebron a much needed breather. Besides being just a big, Mozgov has done more than just take up space. Mozgov has been a terror on the boards and has surprised many with an array of offensive moves that no one thought he had. JR whose never known a shot he could not make, has finally outgrown his antics and is actually looking like a one mans trash is another mans treasurecomposed veteran. These two mid-season acquisitions were never expected to be the cornerstones of a championship team, but that is what both have become. Their dominant play has made Love an after thought and has silenced all the doubters who believed that the Cavs could not contend for a title this year.

The mid-season additions have done wonders for the Cavs. The Cavs wisely mortgaged their future for the present and thus far the gamble has paid off. Iman Shumpert has been a demon on defense and Tristian Thompson continues to own the boards on both ends of the floor. Winning a title was never expected this year but thanks largely to cavs crewplayers other teams didn’t want, title hopes have been rejuvenated.

When we think of Big 3’s, Hall of Famers often come to mind. But if the Cavs continue their winning ways history may be on the verge of being made. Will JR’s hot shooting streak continue? Will Mozgov return to being an afterthought that was collecting splinters on NBA benches. Stay tuned… I know I will. – A. Denmark (@eatdrkslpsprtz2)

Anthony Denmark is a writer for eatdrnkslpsprtz.com. Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast