GMs Beware Prospects May not Appear as Good as they Seem

nfl draft bustEach year in the NFL Draft there are three constants: (1) Prospects declare and go undrafted; (2) Can’t Miss prospects plummet down draft boards; and (3) and a darkhorse prospect will emerge . And this year is no different with a record 102 underclassmen declaring for the 2014 NFL Draft Round 1 – 7 will be mired in uncertainty. Gone are the days of sure fire locks, the pool of can’t miss prospects grows smaller and smaller each year with very little separating a first round pick from a second day pick.  And this year is apparently do different after linebacker Khalil Mack, defensive end Jedeveon Clowney, wide receiver Sammy Watkins, and offensive tackle Jake Matthews, there is a considerable drop off.

Despite these gaps separating the elite from the rest occurs every year, diamonds must be uncovered, future Hall of Famers, perennial Pro Bowlers must be found. 252 players will hear their name called on draft day, and the fortunes and fate of 32 NFL teams will hang in the balance. If rebuildyour favorite franchise screws up, there is always next year. Which prospect will have their future general manager in the unemployment line? Which prospect will outshine all those picked before him and get a over worked  and underpaid scout a much needed well deserved promotion to the front office?

Since Men Lie, Women Lie, and Numbers Don’t I believe any team that selects Michigan Offensive Tackle Taylor Lewan would be making a grave mistake. Although his combine numbers were amazing 2 arrests one for sexual assault and a DUI conjures up thoughts of Richie Incognito whose character concerns cost him his job.

And anyone who told you size don’t matter, then they were lying or just trying to be nice. Because the razzle and dazzle of Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel will certainly shock and vick rodgers and manzielamaze but will he survive an NFL season. RGIII, Mike Vick, and Aaron Rodgers struggles with staying healthy during their careers and none have finished a NFL season unscathed as of yet. If Ben Roethlisberger whose 6’5 250 can’t seem to stay healthy, does the Manziel mighty-mite who thinks run first really stand a chance?

With all due respect to the might Trojans of USC, history would suggest avoiding their wide receivers, tight ends, and running backs at all cost. They never live up to expectations and always disappoint, Marqise Lee may be the exception but history would suggest otherwise.

GM far too often find themselves so love struck with potential that they overlook that patients is notusc curse a virtue in the NFL, especially on defense. Although UCLA linebacker Anthony Barr and Notre Dame DL duo Louis Nix and Stephen Tuitt may actually one day get it, GMs must ask themselves if it will be under their watch or after they have been fired.

Terms like game manager, NFL ready, and rotation player may not be flashy titles bestowed upon premiere playmakers and game changers. But they could be the one to make that shoe string tackle, decisive deflection, or special teams play. At the end of the day these are the guys beer goggleswho make the difference between winning and losing. Screw what they ran in the forty and screw what school they came from! The players mentioned may prove me wrong, but history suggests otherwise, so LIKE BEER GOGGLES buyers beware prospects may not appear as good as they seem.


Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast