The time for Washington name change is now, skins no more

indian meets indianIn light of the scandal that is unfolding with Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his heinous comments my attention turns to another other deplorable act that has been allowed to persist in the public eye in our Nation’s capital. For those folks calling for boycotts and demanding Sterling to surrender ownership I ask where are those same passions demanding a name change for that NFL franchise in our Nation’s capital?

Sponsor are dropping like flies refusing to be associated with this bigot, fans are refusing to attend,Redskins name change and even recording artist have demanded that their music be pulled from the game. But why does it take offending a certain group of people cause such a reaction, while other offenses register little interest or fan fare? Since 1932 the Washington Redskins have been offending many with their name, and despite being aware of the history associated with the offensive name nothing has changed.

Although NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the 31 other owners possess the authority to force Redskins owner Dan Snyder to change the dan snyder and roger goodellname, none of them have been compelled to do so. I find it down right absurd that Goodell can express his disdain for the comments made by Sterling while also having a franchise that’s name is racially insensitive and offensive. Native Americans only make up 2% of the United States population, will they have to quadruple their numbers before their voices are finally heard? What will it take for NFL players to boycott the league and refuse to stand for this injustice no more? An injustice anywhere should enrage us all and inspire us to act. But first the NFL, their sponsors, and the owner must be compelled to act, it has not happened in 82 years, will it happen in year 83. Three months on the job Adam Silver took a stand, when will you? You already flaked once Mr. Goodell with an absurd response, will finally right this apparent wrong? Stay tuned…I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast


NBA vs Donald Sterling

Sterling GateTypically sports provides us an opportunity to take a timeout from the stresses of life, however the deplorable comments said my Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has made the NBA Playoffs completely unwatchable. Now I know that Sterling may not speak for the other twenty nine owners in the NBA and it may be unfair to judged them all based off the actions of one man.

But if players, coaches, and owners all admit that they were not surprised by Sterling’s recent comments then why did it take thirty-one years to respond? Were his most recent actions any more deplorable than refusing housing to minorities? Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace? Or his many other unethical business practices?Los Angeles Clippers v CSKA Moscow

Retired NBA Commissioner David Stern simply ignored these unconscionable acts, never issued a fine or a uttered word of condemnation. Stern, the NBA, and the owners did not feel compelled to respond then, why now? His latest actions although distasteful hurt no one, no one was displaced from their homes, and no one lost their job or sense of livelihood. Did Sterling finally cross the line by offending NBA Hall-of-Famer Magic Johnson? And declaring that even Los Angeles Dodgers owner whose worth $800 million dollars was not good enough.

Clippers silent protestNo matter what current commissioner Adam Silver decides, the time to act has long passed. With great power comes even greater responsibility, and a certain level of conduct should be expected. So while the NBA attempts to distance itself from the disgraced Clippers owner to the NBA I say is shame on you NBA, shame on you. Until the members of the billionaire boys club are held to the same level of scrutiny and conduct as their employee and players this will happen again. Will the owner of your favorite team be next?

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast





Chicago Bulls good is not good enough. But, is help on the way?

Bulls lose to WizardsThe Chicago Bulls are on the verge of elimination and although no one likes to lose, the Bulls should not hang their heads. When Derrick Rose was lost for the year for the second time everyone thought all was lost. Despite the loss of the face of the franchise the effort and tenacity of the Bulls never wavered. And just when fans thought things could not get any worst the Bulls traded their other All-Star in Luol Deng to the Cleveland Cavaliers. While we all looked bewildered and confused many wondered if Bulls General Manager Gar Forman had threw in the towel on this season preferring NBA lottery balls instead.

Despite the injuries and trades the Bulls weathered the storm of obscurity winning back the affection of fans by taking no nights off and battling for each ball like it was their last. Regretfully, defense and effort plays can only take you so far. Down 0-2 to the Washington Wizards theBulls unimpressive 5 offensive woes have become impossible to ignore. The dismal 4 points scored in the third quarter of Game 2 served as a resounding reality check that the end of the regular season is near. Because defense may still win championships but you gotta at least score more than four points in a quarter to give yourself a serious shot at winning, impossible is nothing but mustering only four points in a quarter making winning close to impossible.

Bulls Big 3At this point elimination from the NBA Playoffs is imminent , but as soon as the regular season comes to an end, the sooner the Bulls can kickoff an off season full of speculation and wonder that will deal with centered around three figures: Thibs, Melo, and Rose. Will Coach Thibodeau get an extension? How healthy is Rose? And last but not least, will Carmelo Anthony take less money and sign with the Bulls making them a legitimate title contender? Is help on the way? In time the answers to these questions and more will be made known, maybe the best yet to come but then again maybe not? Stay tuned…I know I will.

Anthony Denmark is a writer for Follow him on Twitter@eatdrkslpsprtz2, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on GoogleListen to eatdrnkslpsprtz radio  Subscribe to podcast


Miami Heat, Will 2 1/2 stars be enough to win 3?

Can the Heat be beatThe road to an NBA Championship is not an easy one, even if your franchise has a big three of Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh. The two time defending NBA Champion Miami Heat are only days away from starting their quest for a third consecutive NBA title.

But the Heat may be facing their toughest challenge title yet. The Big 3 have logged a tremendous number of minutes  for the Heat and the US National Team and the wear and tear has started to show. Lebron has missed multiple games due to back spasms and Wade has logged 26 DNP’s due to dwade kneesreoccurring knee ailments. The Heat triumvirate are mere shadows of themselves, only showing glimpses of dominance in short spurts.

Despite their slow start and a pathetic 13-12 finish the Heat still may get the top seed in the Eastern Conference and secure home court. But are their regular season woes a legitimate reason to be concerned? Wade dealt with a bad knee last season, but he was clutch in crunch time scoring 26 points against the San Antonio Spurs in Game 7 of the NBA Finals.

Although the Greg Oden and Michael Beasley experiment were a total failure, and Shane Battier is having the worst year of his career. However, the bench is not that bad thanks to  the key contributions of Heat co-captain Udonis Haslem and big man Chris Birdman Andersen, two reliable rebounders and defenders that make life difficult for opposing big men. And who can forget Norris Cole who continues to be an invaluable spark off the bench  whose a great on ball defender whose always good for a timely three.

Heat 3 PeatThe bench will be relied on heavily to give James an occasional blow, and since asking Wade to log 40 minutes on back-to-back is completely out of the question the Heat championship fate will ultimately rest with Bosh. There is no doubt that James will come ready to play, however the same cannot be said about the other two. Is 2 1/2 stars enough to win a third title? Can the Heat 3-Peat or will they finally be beat? Stay tuned…I know I will – A. Denmark

NBA Playoffs Primer: The San Antonio Spurs, then and now

spurs big 3 In customary fashion the San Antonio Spurs wrapped up the top seed in the Western Conference and secured home court throughout the NBA Playoffs. But there is no need for confetti, t-shirts, or celebrations because winning division titles and securing the best record in the NBA for the 1,000th time means absolutely nothing to Coach Gregg Popovich and the Spurs. Securing home court throughout the NBA Playoffs may be considered a crowning achievement for some franchise, but for the Spurs its literally championship or bust, screw the banners, and those shiny regular season awards mean absolutely nothing to they guys.

Last year the Spurs pursuit for titles appeared to be only seconds away until Jesus (Ray Allen) intervened and the Miami Heat won their second NBA title. But how will things be different a season later? The Spurs did not make a splash in free agency and return the Spurs restingsame starting five which includes same ol’ often injured big three of Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker, and Tim Duncan. Tiago Splitter is still an offensive liability and calling Danny Green inconsistent would be an understatement.

But despite these glaring deficiencies and a unimpressive showing against the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Los Angeles Clippers this year may finally be the year. Talented forward Kawhi Leonard is healthy and is a year wiser after his impressive showing in the NBA Finals last year. The continued development of point guard Patty Mills will give Parker a much needed breather with very little drop off. And the most important reason why things will be different in 2014 for the Spurs is Marco Belinelli. Belinelli showcased his versatility last Patty Mills and Marco Belinelliyear as a member of the Chicago Bulls and his ability to both space the floor and get into the lane give the Spurs an invaluable asset that they did not have last year.

Although the fate of the Spurs will continue to be determined by their Big Three, their much improved bench will give breathers to the vets and ensure that their stars are not winded when they are needed most. Will this formula finally lead to the Spurs winning their fifth NBA Title? Only time will tell and I can not wait. Stay tuned…I know I will