The Battle of Inches: Coach Sean Payton and Saints Bounty-Gate Scandal

Al Pacino’s infamous “Inches” speech from Any Given Sunday rings loud in today’s world of sports. Payton’s decision to knowingly allow his team to run a bounty program on opposing quarterbacks calls into question his leadership.  Yes, I do place some blame on Defensive coach Greg Williams as the mastermind and enforcer of this program, but at the end of the day, the BUCK STOPS with the head coach. The person with final approval is who deserves principal blame.  I’m not mad at the idiot in the meeting who raises his hands and says we should have Mike Tyson perform his rap song at the homecoming concert this year. It’s the SGA President who’s second’s that motion and allows this foolish idea to actually happen that everyone should blame. Leaaaaaa-deeeeer-SHIP!

See, Payton believed that this program was going to make his DBs play harder, nastier, giving them an edge, inches to be exact – inches to get to victory. The problem here is that Sean Payton was sending a hidden message in allowing this program to proceed: that message “It’s ok. It’s ok to steal this inch from my opponent.

Really!! And it’s not just Sean Payton we see scrapping for extra inches. There are others out there who tried to gain an illegal or immoral advantage. In every instance, the coach or CEO will have an asterisk next to his name when the history books are written. Bill Belichick and Spygate, asterisk. Paterno and the Sundusky scandal, asterisk. He didn’t want to lose what he considered to be a “good coach.” Jim, the “great coach with the high moral compass”, at Ohio State not reporting player violations because he didn’t want his players to sit, asterisk. Bonds, Sosa, McGuire all not only tried to get inches, but yards with their steroid use, asterisk. Wall St. CEO’s allowing their companies to sell bad mortgages to home buyers who couldn’t afford it then turning around and selling the mortgages as package to overseas investors. Guess who needed a bailout and have low approval numbers among the general public, asterisk.

In every case where coaches and corporate CEO’s have tried to gain an advantage and lost, they’ve tainted their image, but perhaps more important, they’ve tainted their legacy. Their miscalculation will result in history always remembering them with a BUT and an asterisk next to his name. Call me old fashion, but I still think you can win the right way. It’s like Ray Lewis says in this video “We get one chance in life to do whatever you gonna do. To lay your foundation and make whatever mark your’re gonna make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave…  because I’m pissed off for greatness. If you ain’t pissed off with greatness, you’re ok with being mediocre.”

You’re settling for mediocrity if you try to gain an inch the wrong way. Why taint your legacy and reputation, what you stood for, scratched and clawed for years to get, for just a few inches.

– Eatdrnkslpsprtz Guest Blogger Troy Perry (@troyperry07)

Demise of Coach Payton: The Offensive Genius who DOESNT GET IT

Just a week ago Commissioner Goodell suspended New Orleans Saints head coach for the entire year without pay for his role in Bounty-Gate 2009. Other members of his staff and Saints front office were also suspended, fined, and docked draft picks in the upcoming NFL Draft. Everyone who played a role in paying players to injure their opposition quickly issued a public apology acknowledging their lack of professionalism and disrespect for the game that has given them so much.

Since these penalties were handed down each of the accused have thread softly, everyone accept former Head Coach Sean Payton who is proving that even geniuses can be stupid. A coach who was not able to control his lockeroom or properly manage his staff is now trying to dictate the Saint franchise’s next move.

According to the guidelines of his suspension Payton is to not have any contact with Saints staff and front office representatives until the end of the 2012-2013 regular season. However the same offensive mastermind who broke numerous offensive records is now attempting to play the role of owner, general manager, and president of football operations.

Because of his poor choices the Saint franchise must now look for a new head coach and rumors suggest that Payton is trying  force the franchise to hire his mentor, Coach Parcells to fill in on an interim bases during his suspension. Although many may praise this is a wonderful move, such a decision would be a huge mistake. It would be a travesty if Coach Parcells replaces him on an interim bases because it indicate who is control of the organization, and also make a mockery of the Rooney rules, which requires a minority be interviewed for every head coaching vacancy.

The time has come for the Saints organizations to wash their hands of Bounty-Gate and the first step in the franchise restoring order is firing Sean Payton permanently. Although Saints fans will never forget how Sean Payton helped the Saint franchise restore hope to a hopeless city, as with athletes who have passed their prime, the time has come to move on.


We often criticize owners such as Jerry Jones (owner of the Dallas Cowboys) and Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) for being in the limelight and playing a critical role in decision making, but never would anyone question if they controlled their franchise. Its evident that Sean Payton does not get it, its imperative that the Saint owners take back control, no one person is bigger than the franchise. In life, there is a time to talk and a time to be quiet. Each of those punished for their role in Bounty-gate have been silent, its unfortunate that Sean Payton did not know that it was best for him to do the same. He does not get it, and the list of excuses he has given during the owner meetings this week are indicators that his time as the Saints Head Coach MUST come to an end.

Au revoir, mon chere !!!   A.Denmark (@Eatdrnkslpsprts)

Eatdrnkslpsprtz Thursday Night Sweet 16 Primer: Project Runway Meets NCAA!!

NCAA Sweet Sixteen Thursday Night Primer

Any other year the momentum of the final four would have been headline news, however because of NFL free agency and the Saints getting the death penalty the Sweet Sixteen has been nearly forgotten. In a mood to see individuals lay it on the line and go after loose balls like it’s their last? Then you are in luck, because the games on Thursday will not include many potential lottery picks, but teams that will play fundamental basketball and play with a lot of effort and tenacity. Too my ladies looking for a reason to watch the game, let me tell you this one secret, the more you know about sports the more you can get a man to do. So here is a quick rundown of Thursday’s Games and the reason why you should tune in:

Marquette v. Florida

Why watch Florida Gators: Florida relies heavily on the three point shot and they frequently run the floor with four guards. Although the Gators will shoot threes a plenty, if they want to win this game they must win the battle on the boards, they cannot get out toughed. I wonder how many Tebow posters will be on display tonight.

Why watch Marquette: For my walk the runway all stars avid watchers, you certain are in for a treat when you see Coach Buzz Williams tie and shirt combination. The players for this team have taken on the toughness of their head coach, although they are not as talented as many teams they win a high percentage of games because of their pressure defense and relentless effort on the boards. Marquette must avoid getting into early foul trouble and win the rebounding battle in order to minimize the threat of the Gators three barrage

My Pick – Marquette wins because defense not only wins championship but games as well. Marquette will out-tough the Gators and bully them into submission

Wisconsin v. Syracuse

Why watch Syracuse Orangemen: The Orangemen has had to overcome a number of distractions this year, from the allegation of sexual harassment by their former assistant coach, rumors of ineligible players failing drug tests, and losing their inside force in Fab Melo due to academics. Despite these distractions the team has remained focused and continued to flourish. In an effort to make the game more entertaining test your spelling by trying to correctly spell some of the players on the Orangemen bench. In addition to giving them incredible athletic ability their parents truly did not lack in the creativity department when selecting a name for their sons.

Why watch Wisconsin: Each year the Badgers are underrated and rarely get much mention by college experts during the preseason. However, once tournament time arrives the Badgers always find themselves in the thick of things. Although very few of Bo Ryan’s players will have a pro career after graduating, the effort and skill that they demonstrate on the court is truly remarkable. They are lead by their point guard who rarely makes mistakes and always makes the right pass to get his teammates into the flow of the game

My Pick Syracuse wins, although the game will not feature many Sportscenter highlights Syracuse’s depth will be too much for the Badgers to handle and fatigue will set in by the second half

Michigan State v. Louisville

Why watch Michigan State: There was time when the players stayed four years and fans was able to watch a young man’s game mature and develop, Draymond Green is that rare commodity. Although an undersized forward with limited pro potential his game reminds you of Shane Battier from the Duke Blue Devils. It is truly entertaining to watch this four-man lead the break because he is a true match up nightmare. In addition, it always amazing to see Coach Izzo comfort his players and press the right buttons to get maximum effort. Your atleast guarantee a Magic Johnson sighting, showtime!!

Why watch Louisville: The Cardinals lead point guard Peyton Silva is a one man fast break that can single handedly take over a game and impact it on both ends of the floor. It will be intriguing to see how the young freshman forward Dieng plays when matched up against All-American Green. Another reason to watch is to see if Coach Pitino rocks the white suit, your not supposed to wear white after labor day right?

My pickMichigan State wins in a close one due to the clutch play of Michigan State’s All-American  Draymond Green who has been posting amazing numbers during the tournament – A.Denmark (@Eatdrnkslpsprtz)

Who Dat!?!?: Commissioner Goodell thats who! Goodell < Hammurrabi's Code

NFL Commissioner Goodell has often been criticized for not showing leniency toward players with his steep fines and suspensions that forced many players around the league to think before they leapt and pause before they spoke. In only a short span of time Roger Goodell has made it his mission to clean up the NFL image and protect the seal. After suspending Saints Head Coach Sean Payton for the year, and suspending former defensive coordinator indefinitely a message was sent to everyone in the league, from the players to the front office representatives.

Like the Under Armor Commercial, Commissioner Goodell has certainly ‘protected his house’ . Since taking over as the commissioner in 2006 the culture of the NFL has changed. Goodell believed that player safety and the integrity of the game needed to be preserved. As the amount of fines began to increase due to illegal hits and player misconduct a lot of players cried foul alleging that the punishments were too harsh or they criticized the appeals process.

But interestingly enough, the head coaches and coordinators stood silently choosing to not contest the suspensions or fines of their players. I don’t ever recall Coach Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers questioning the suspension and fines of Harrison or Coach Fisher of the Saint Louis Rams standing up for Cortlan Finnegan? Do you?

However, these coaches and coordinators are now crying foul as two of their own are suspended for jeopardizing the safety of players and compromising the integrity of the seal. I believe the decision by Roger Goodell is correct, no one is bigger than the seal and it important that coaches and NFL front offices be held to a higher standard. When others presumed that the commissioner would turn a blind eye or dish out a minimal punishment Roger stood pat.

In a country where we tout free will and freedom of expression, in the NFL there is one ruler and his power will neither be contested, questioned or overruled. Playing football in the NFL is a privilege not a right, and today everyone was given notice.  [Roger Goodell > Hammurabi’s Code (eye for an eye tooth for a tooth)]

Denmark Prognosis – Williams is a great defensive mind that could do wonders at the college level as a head coach. However, I believe that his loyalty will be tested. Will he snitch? Will Williams name names in an effort to get an opportunity to coach in the NFL again? This was the first round of suspensions, current and former Saints players start saving your checks because a hefty fine awaits or worst you may have played your last down in the NFL (i.e. Vilma, Fujita, Porter, and Ellis). – A.Denmark (@Eatdrnkslpsprtz)

Tim Tebow: Where Art Thou??

This past season we were witnesses to Tebowmania everyone from the sisters in the chapel to the stay at home mom with three kids; all over the world everyone had an opinion about the young quarterback who wore his faith on his sleeve. As the victories continued to mount the Tebow following grew and became a hot topic on shows like the View, a skit on Saturday Night Live, and his likeness even made the front page of Newsweek Magazine. Tebow inspired millions with his play and made many doubters believers with his now legendary performance in the  AFC Division Playoffs victory against my Pittsburgh Steelers.


However this week, we were each given a reality check, although Tebow inspired many with his exploits his inconsistent play and horrible mechanics led to the Denver Broncos front office questioning his long-term future with the franchise. Despite the wins, his poor footwork and dismal accuracy did not sit well with the Denver Broncos. Although Tebow led the Broncos to the AFC West Division title, winning in the NFL ‘the Tebow way’ simply was not enough.

With the Manning Sweepstakes now coming to an end another quarterback’s professional future now comes into question. What is Tim Tebow’s trade value? Where will he end up? After the Manning news conference and after he holds up the Broncos jersey with Elway and Coach John Fox, the questions about Tebow’s future landing spot will become the topic of widespread conversation.

Throughout his career Tim Tebow has overcome adversity, frequently making doubters believers but what happens next? The most high-profile third-string quarterback in history is without a home, and does not appear to have a landing spot where a starting quarterback job awaits him. Tim Tebow has been in the league for three years and has improved very little as a quarterback, in a time of instant gratification where coaches rarely finish out their contracts, no one can afford to wait for him to develop.  Last year Cam Newton and Andy Dalton were pro bowlers in their first year and the bar has been set high and the expectation for young quarterback has changed, they are now expected to produce immediately.

Although it is unlikely that Tim Tebow will be jobless for long, the fate of his career will be dictated by the team that decides to take a flier on him. If he wishes to remain in the league long-term I am hopeful that he will decline any offer to go to any team in Florida and settle for a back up job with an organization with a solid quarterback coach.Tebow has a bright future, and in the weeks to come we will soon find out if that future will include a long career in the National Football League.

Best Landing Spots for Tebow in the World According to Denmark:

1. New England Patriots 2. Green Bay Packers 3. Buffalo Bills 4. Pittsburgh Steelers

Stay Tuned… – A.Denmark (@Eatdrnkslpsprtz)

Manning, Decision 2012: The Choice that will alter the NFL, AFC East Edition

After playing for fourteen seasons for the Indianapolis Colts, Peyton Manning said a tearful good-bye to the Colts faithful. He then got on a jet and immediately became the hottest name to hit free agency since Lebron James in the NBA. Before his plane had even landed in Miami there were billboards in cities all over the country, Peyton manning was trending worldwide on twitter, and NFL insiders such as Adam Schefler claimed to have an inside track on his prospective destination.

According to reports there are twelve teams that are interested in signing Manning but the impact of where Manning decides to play the final years of his hall of fame career will alter the landscape of a franchise, impact this years NFL draft, possibly change the careers of several young NFL quarterbacks, and impact the longevity of an head coach. Although Manning will only be able to choose one team, the impact of his selection will affect the off season plans of 32 NFL teams:

                                              We will begin with the AFC East


      AFC EAST



2011 Season Outlook: Despite their offensive output early in the season they were riddled by the injury bug revealing there need for more depth along the offensive line and defensive back field. Rookie  defensive tackle, Marcel Dareus had an inconsistent rookie year but showed flashes of dominance. Despite his frequent bouts of immaturity, Steve Johnson proved himself to be a serviceable number one go-to receiver

  • Offseason Questions: Will Fred Jackson make a full recover from his ACL injury? Will the Bills add more depth along their offensive line (ex. guard Steve Hutchinson)? Is CJ Spiller poised for a breakout year? What direction will the Bills go in the draft?
  • Manning Factor: If Manning signs with a team in the AFC East, the need to add depth along the secondary becomes critical.


  • 2011 Season Outlook: Despite not making the playoffs at the end of the season they were one of the most dangerest teams in the NFL. Reggie Bush had a career year runninig inside the tackles and the rookie RB Thomas showed glimpses of potential during an injury riddled year. The defense lead by Carlos Dansby was very stout up front but remained questionable in the secondary. Brandon Marshall had another 1,000 receiving yard season and won MVP in this years Pro Bowl
  • Offseason Questions: What will be Coach Philibon’s offensive philosophy? Will LB Carlos Dansby return to form after offseason surgery? Will Brandon Marshall be able to go an offseason without being in the headlines or getting arrested? What will the Dolphins do with the eight pick in the draft?

Manning Factor: Where Manning signs will impact who the Dolphins draft with the eight pick? (quarterback if Manning does not sign or depth along the defensive line if he does sign). The careers of Chad Pennington and Chad Henne, the two quarterback on the Dolphins roster will be gravely impacted by the Mannings decision. Henne is an unrestricted free agent and Pennington is recovering from a shoulder injury


  • 2011 Season Outlook: The Patriots finished a hail mary short of clinching another Super Bowl win. Their tight end Grankowski and Hernandez had career years and the offense  was relied on heavily this year due to a defense that was statistically the worst in the NFL. Brady threw for over 4,000 yards and despite the drop in the Super Bowl Wes Welker had another stellar 100-catch year. Vince Wilfork at defensie tackle was relied on heavily due too so few player contributing on the defensive side of the ball
  • Offseason Questions: Will the Patriots try to sign Mario Williams in free agency? Will Ochocinco be return to the Patriots next year? Will the Patriot trade their three 1st round picks to move up in the draft? Will Wes Welker be signed to a long term contract? Will the Pats try to sign a gamebreaker at wide receiver (ie Wallace from Pittsburgh)
  • Manning Factor: the Patriots found themselves in several shootouts last season and if Manning signs with a team in the AFC East the need for gamebreakers at wide receiver becomes important. The Pats need for a downfield threat and an elite pass rusher are glaring needs that must be filled. The prospects of seeing Manning twice a year is a chilling nightmare especially when your defense was ranked last in the NFL last year.


  • 2011 Season Outlook: The entire franchise demonstrated poor maturity and leadership which was evident each time the Jets took the field. Coach Ryan referring to himself as a hall-of-famer, Santonio Holmes quiting on his team in the midst of a playoff run and calling out his quarterback for poor offensive production. The Jets were riddled by injuries along their offensive line and their defense line was unable to apply pressure on the quarterback.
  • Offseason Questions: How may games must Coach Ryan win to save his job? Will Santonio Holmes make amends with his Jets teammates? Will the Jets make an offseason splash in free agency? Will Mark Sanchez take the next step and become an elite quarterback?
  • Manning Factor: Due to the Manning frenzy, Sanchez received contract extension and a vote of confidence from the Jet front office. Jets must make a off season splash in free agency due to an aging line

Stay tuned for the Manning factor and the offseason outlook for the AFC North tomorrow…